Wirtschaftsenglisch Vokabeln lernen

Fachspezifischer englischer Wortschatz

Das Wirtschaftsenglisch bezieht sich auf die Fachwörter und -ausdrücke, die im Zusammenhang mit Handel, Gewerbe und Finanzen üblicherweise verwendet werden. Diese Begriffe können technische Akronyme und andere Ausdrücke umfassen, die nur in der Geschäftswelt verwendet werden. Genau deshalb ist das erlernen von Wirtschatsenglisch Vokabeln so wichtig für dein Büroleben.

Einige Beispiele für Wirtschaftsvokabular sind Begriffe aus den Bereichen Vertrieb, Marketing, Finanzen, Management, Personalwesen und Betrieb. Das Wirtschaftsenglisch-Vokabular kann branchenspezifisch sein, z. B. in den Bereichen Technologie, Gesundheitswesen oder Finanzen.

Grundwordschatz Geschäftsenglisch

Den Wortschatz im Bereich Wirtschaftsenglisch auszubauen, ist von großer Bedeutung, da er eine entscheidende Rolle für effektive Kommunikation und erfolgreiche Geschäftstätigkeiten in internationalen Kontexten spielt. Ein erweiterter Wortschatz im Bereich Wirtschaftsenglisch ermöglicht es, sich präzise und klar auszudrücken. In englischsprachigen Geschäftsgesprächen ist es notwendig, die Nuancen und Feinheiten der Sprache zu verstehen und anzuwenden, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden. Ein größerer Wortschatz erlaubt es, komplexere Ideen und Konzepte treffend zu vermitteln und somit die Qualität der Kommunikation zu steigern.

Insgesamt ermöglicht ein ausgebauter Wortschatz im Bereich Wirtschaftsenglisch eine verbesserte Kommunikation, ein höheres Maß an Professionalität und eine erhöhte Effektivität in geschäftlichen Angelegenheiten. Es lohnt sich also, Zeit und Mühe in den Ausbau dieses Wissens zu investieren. Schauen wir uns im Folgenden mal einige englischen Vokabeln aus dem Geschäftsleben an.

Englisch Berufsbezeichnung: Business Englisch Vokabeln

Englisch Deutsch
chief executive officer (CEO) Geschäftsführer
chief financial officer (CFO) Finanzvorstand
chief technical officer (CTO) Technikvorstand
division manager Bereichsleiter
head of department Abteilungsleiter
managing partner Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
business analyst Unternehmensanalyst
project manager Projektleiter
marketing director Marketingdirektor
sales representative Vertriebsmitarbeiter
human resources manager Personalmanager
operations manager Betriebsleiter
risk manager Risikomanager
legal counsel Rechtsberater
procurement manager Einkaufsleiter
Englisch Deutsch
supply chain manager Leiter der Lieferkette
IT manager IT-Leiter
partner shareholder Gesellschafter
production manager Produktionsleiter
senior executive Leitender Angestellter
supervisor Vorgesetzter
supervisory board Aufsichtsrat
quality assurance manager Qualitätsmanager
customer service manager Kundendienstleiter
business development manager Geschäftsentwicklungsleiter
compliance officer Compliance-Beauftragter
strategic planner Strategischer Planer
financial analyst Finanzanalyst
investment manager Investmentmanager
public relations officer Pressesprecher
Anerkannter Bildungsurlaub

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Englisch Wirstschaftsenglisch Wortschatz nach Themen

Auf Englisch Präsentationen halten

Englisch Deutsch
Introduction Einleitung
Greeting Begrüßung
Welcome Willkommen
Thank you Danke
Topic Thema
Overview Überblick
Agenda Tagesordnung
Slide Folie
Transition Übergang
Focus Fokus
Information Informationen
Data Daten
Graph Grafik
Chart Tabelle
Point Punkt
Example Beispiel
Illustrate veranschaulichen
Emphasize betonen
bar chart Säulendiagramm
column Spalte
curve Kurve
decrease sinken
fluctuate schwanken
graph Graph
increase ansteigen
line chart Liniendiagramm
numbers Zahlen
peak höchsten Punkt erreichen
pie chart Tortendiagramm
reach a plateau stagnieren
remain stable stabil bleiben

Vokabeln aus der Finanzwelt

Englisch Deutsch
account (Bank-)Konto
assets Vermögenswerte
borrowed capital Fremdkapital
exchange rate Wechselkurs
income tax Einkommenssteuer
interest Zinsen
investment Investition
liabilities Verbindlichkeiten
loan Darlehen
balance sheet Bilanz
budget Budget
capital Kapital
cash flow Cashflow
currency Währung
debt Schulden
depreciation Abschreibung
equity Eigenkapital
expenditure Ausgaben
financial statement Finanzbericht
interest rate Zinssatz
invoice Rechnung
overhead Gemeinkosten
profit Gewinn
revenue Einnahmen
risk management Risikomanagement
savings Ersparnisse
tax deduction Steuerabzug
transaction Transaktion
valuation Bewertung
withdrawal Abhebung
yield Rendite

Vokabeln für Geschäftsreisen

Englisch Deutsch
Business trip Geschäftsreise
Travel itinerary Reiseplan
Departure Abreise
Arrival Ankunft
Flight Flug
Airport Flughafen
Check-in Einchecken
Security check Sicherheitskontrolle
Boarding pass Bordkarte
Gate Gate (Flugsteig)
Customs Zoll
Immigration Einwanderungskontrolle
Baggage claim Gepäckausgabe
Hotel reservation Hotelreservierung
Accommodation Unterkunft
Meeting Treffen
Conference Konferenz
Seminar Seminar
Workshop Workshop
Presentation Präsentation
Networking Netzwerken
Expenses Ausgaben
Reimbursement Erstattung
Per diem Tagespauschale
Travel policy Reiserichtlinie
Travel insurance Reiseversicherung
Currency exchange Währungsumtausch
Taxi Taxi
Public transportation öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Rental car Mietwagen
Business attire Geschäftskleidung

Auf Englisch Präsentationen halten

Englisch Deutsch
accusation Anklage
contract Vertrag
court Gericht
defendant Beklagte
end of contract Vertragsende
antitrust laws Kartellgesetze
bankruptcy Insolvenz
breach of contract Vertragsverletzung
business ethics Geschäftsethik
competition law Wettbewerbsrecht
consumer protection Verbraucherschutz
contract negotiation Vertragsverhandlung
copyright Urheberrecht
data protection Datenschutz
intellectual property geistiges Eigentum
liability Haftung
merger Fusion
non-disclosure agreement (NDA) Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung
privacy policy Datenschutzrichtlinie
trademark Markenzeichen
trade secrets Betriebsgeheimnisse
unfair competition unlauterer Wettbewerb
warranty Garantie
white-collar crime Wirtschaftskriminalität
legal action Klage
misleading Irreführung
plaintiff Kläger
punishment Strafe
sue Verklagen
termination of contract Vertragsaufhebung
contract change Vertragsänderung

Den Wortschatz für Wirtschaftsenglisch mit englischen Definitionen verbessern

Da Wirtschaftsenglisch-Vokabeln in der Regel erst mit fortgeschrittenen Englischkenntnissen erlernt werden, geben wir dir zum Lernen von Business-Englisch-Vokabeln nur die englische Definition. Dies hilft dir, dein Englisch mit einem hohen Maß an Englischkenntnissen effektiver zu verbessern. Du lernst nicht nur auswendig, sondern verbindest die Wörter und stellst Zusammenhänge her. So wird dein Englisch auf lange Sicht flüssiger. Das ist sehr wichtig für dein Berufsleben.

Jetzt kannst du deinen Wortschatz in Wirtschaftsenglisch mit den folgenden Listen erweitern. Auf der linken Seite findest du den englischen Fachbegriff und auf der rechten Seite geben wir die entsprechende Definition auf Englisch an. Am Besten beginnst du mit den allgemeinen Begriffen des Wirtschaftsenglisch und gehst im nächsten Abschnitt zu den fachspezifischen Vokabeln des Wirtschaftsenglisch über.

Allgemeiner Wortschatz im Wirtschaftsenglisch - Basic Business English Vocabulary

Word Definition
Collaboration the act of working together to achieve a common goal
Productivity the rate at which work is completed or goods are produced
Micromanagement excessive control or attention to detail in managing a project or team
Work-life balance the balance between work and personal life, including time spent with family, friends, and hobbies
Diversity the range of differences within a workplace, including differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and age
Burnout a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or overwork
Inclusivity the practice of creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included, regardless of differences
Flexibility the ability to adjust to changing circumstances or work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible schedules
Morale the overall mood or level of enthusiasm within a workplace
Professional development activities that help employees improve their skills, knowledge, and expertise in their field.
Business plan a document outlining a company's goals, strategies, and plans for achieving success.
Revenue the total amount of money generated by a business from its sales.
Profit the amount of money left over after deducting expenses from revenue.
Marketing the process of promoting and selling products or services.
Sales the act of selling products or services to customers.
Customer a person or organization that buys goods or services from a business.
Supplier a person or organization that provides goods or services to a business.
Budget a financial plan that outlines expected income and expenses for a specific period.
Investment the act of putting money into a business or project with the expectation of making a profit.
Return on investment (ROI) the amount of profit made as a percentage of the initial investment.
Cash flow the movement of money into and out of a business.
Balance sheet a financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
Income statement a financial statement that shows a company's revenue, expenses, and profit over a specific period.
Human resources the department within a company that manages personnel-related issues such as hiring, training, and compensation.
Leadership the ability to inspire and guide others towards achieving a common goal.

Finanzwortschatz lernen - Finance Vocabulary

Word Definition
Assets Any resources owned by a company that have economic value and can be used to generate revenue.
Liabilities The debts and obligations that a company owes to others.
Equity The value of an asset after all debts and liabilities have been paid off.
Balance sheet A financial statement that shows a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
Income statement A financial statement that shows a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over a period of time.
Cash flow The movement of cash into and out of a company, including cash received from sales, investments, and financing, and cash spent on expenses, investments, and debt payments.
Return on investment (ROI) A measure of the profitability of an investment, calculated as the net income from the investment divided by its cost.
Capital The financial resources that a company uses to invest in projects, operations, or other ventures.
Debt Money borrowed by a company that must be repaid, usually with interest.
Credit The ability of a company or individual to borrow money or obtain goods or services on credit.
Interest The cost of borrowing money, usually expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed.
Stock A share of ownership in a company, usually traded on a stock exchange.
Dividend A payment made by a company to its shareholders, usually a portion of its profits.
Bond A type of debt security in which an investor loans money to a company or government and receives regular interest payments and the return of the principal at the end of the bond's term.
Derivative A financial instrument whose value is based on the value of an underlying asset, such as a stock, commodity, or currency.

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Marketing-Wortschatz lernen - Marketing Vokabulary

Word Definition
Branding The process of creating a unique name, design, and image for a product or company to differentiate it from competitors.
Advertising The process of promoting a product or service through various forms of media, such as television, radio, print, or digital.
Market research The process of gathering and analyzing information about a target market, including its needs, preferences, and behavior.
Target audience The specific group of consumers that a product or service is aimed at.
Positioning The process of creating a distinctive image and reputation for a product or brand in the minds of consumers.
Marketing mix The combination of product, price, promotion, and distribution strategies used to market a product or service.
Segmentation The process of dividing a larger market into smaller groups based on shared characteristics or interests.
Promotion The various activities used to communicate and promote a product or service, including advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and personal selling.
Sales funnel The process that a customer goes through from initial awareness of a product or service to making a purchase.
Customer acquisition The process of acquiring new customers through various marketing and sales strategies.
Customer retention The process of keeping existing customers engaged and satisfied with a product or service, often through customer service and loyalty programs.
Call to action (CTA) A marketing message or prompt that encourages a customer to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
Content marketing The process of creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a target audience.
Influencer marketing A marketing strategy that involves partnering with influencers or individuals who have a large following or influence on social media to promote a product or service.
Viral marketing A marketing strategy that relies on creating content or messages that spread quickly and organically through social media or other online channels.

Vokabeln aus dem Personalwesen lernen - Human Resource Vocabulary

Word Definition
Recruitment The process of finding, attracting, and hiring qualified candidates for open job positions.
Onboarding The process of integrating new employees into a company and helping them become productive and engaged.
Talent management The process of identifying, developing, and retaining key employees who have the potential to contribute to a company's success.
Performance appraisal A process in which an employee's performance is evaluated by a supervisor or manager, usually based on established performance goals and criteria.
Compensation The total amount of money and benefits that an employee receives in exchange for their work.
Benefits Non-wage rewards that employees receive, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
Diversity and inclusion The practice of creating a workplace that is welcoming to people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
Employee engagement The level of commitment and enthusiasm that employees have for their work and their employer.
Training and development The process of providing employees with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to perform their job duties effectively.
Succession planning The process of identifying and developing employees who have the potential to move into leadership roles within a company.
Human capital The knowledge, skills, and abilities that employees bring to a company, and the value that they create through their work.
Employee turnover The rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new hires.
Labor laws Laws and regulations that govern the relationship between employers and employees, such as minimum wage laws and anti-discrimination laws.
Organizational culture The shared values, beliefs, and practices that define the identity and character of a company.
Employee relations The process of managing the relationships between employers and employees, including resolving disputes and maintaining a positive workplace culture.

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Vokabeln aus dem Rechnungswesen - Accounting Vocabulary

Word Definition
Bookkeeping The process of recording and maintaining a company's financial transactions, such as sales, purchases, and payments.
Ledger A record of a company's financial transactions that is used to prepare financial statements.
Chart of accounts A list of all the accounts that a company uses to record its financial transactions.
Double-entry bookkeeping A bookkeeping method that requires each financial transaction to be recorded in at least two accounts to ensure that the books remain balanced.
Journal A record of a company's financial transactions that is used to prepare the ledger.
Trial balance A report that lists all the accounts in a company's ledger and their balances to ensure that the books remain balanced.
Debit An entry in an account that represents an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities or equity.
Credit An entry in an account that represents a decrease in assets or an increase in liabilities or equity.
Balance sheet A financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
Income statement A financial statement that reports a company's revenues and expenses over a period of time.
Cash basis accounting A bookkeeping method that records transactions when cash is received or paid out.
Accrual basis accounting A bookkeeping method that records transactions when they occur, regardless of when cash is received or paid out.
Accounts payable The amounts that a company owes to its vendors or suppliers.
Accounts receivable The amounts that a company is owed by its customers.
General ledger The central repository of all the accounts used in a company's bookkeeping system.
Internal control The policies, procedures, and processes that a company uses to safeguard its assets, ensure the accuracy of its financial statements, and comply with laws and regulations.
Compliance audit An audit conducted to evaluate a company's compliance with laws, regulations, and industry standards.
Noncompliance The failure of a company to comply with laws, regulations, or industry standards.
Material weakness A deficiency in a company's internal controls that could result in a material misstatement in its financial statements.

Wortschatz Logistik - Logistics Vocabulary

Word Definition
Logistics The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the movement of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption.
Supply chain The network of businesses, individuals, and organizations involved in the creation and delivery of a product or service.
Transportation The movement of goods or people from one place to another, often by land, sea, or air.
Warehousing The storage and management of goods in a warehouse or distribution center.
Inventory The stock of goods or materials that a company has on hand or in transit.
Distribution The process of delivering goods or services to customers or retail locations.
Freight Goods or materials that are transported by ship, truck, train, or plane.
Customs The government agency responsible for regulating the import and export of goods across international borders.
Freight forwarding The process of arranging the transportation of goods on behalf of a company or individual.
Carrier A company or individual that provides transportation services, such as a shipping company or trucking company.
Bill of lading A document that serves as a contract between the shipper and carrier for the transportation of goods.
Incoterms International trade terms that define the responsibilities of the buyer and seller for the delivery of goods.
Logistics management The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the movement of goods and services to meet customer requirements.
Third-party logistics (3PL) A company that provides logistics services on behalf of another company, such as warehousing, transportation, or distribution.
Reverse logistics The process of managing the return of goods from the point of consumption to the point of origin, often for recycling, repair, or disposal.

Wirtschaftsrecht Wortschatz lernen - Business law Vocabulary

Word Explanation
Business law The body of law that governs commercial and business transactions.
Contract A legally binding agreement between two or more parties that sets out the terms and conditions of a business transaction.
Intellectual property The legal rights associated with creative works, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Trademark A symbol, word, or phrase used to identify and distinguish a company's goods or services from those of others.
Patent A legal right granted to an inventor that gives them the exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.
Copyright A legal right granted to the creator of an original work that gives them the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and display the work.
Trade secret Confidential information that gives a company a competitive advantage and is not generally known to the public.
Tort A civil wrong that causes harm or injury to another person, such as negligence or defamation.
Liability Legal responsibility for the consequences of one's actions or omissions.
Business ethics The principles and standards that guide ethical behavior in the business world.
Employment law The body of law that governs the rights and obligations of employers and employees.
Discrimination Treating someone unfairly because of their race, gender, religion, or other characteristic that is protected by law.
Contract law The body of law that governs the formation and enforcement of contracts.
Securities law The body of law that governs the issuance and trading of stocks, bonds, and other securities.
Bankruptcy The legal process by which a person or company that cannot pay their debts is relieved of their financial obligations.

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